Accufeed is a medical device used to assist in the accurate placement of nasogastric tubes (NGT). It is a tool that helps healthcare providers ensure that the NGT is inserted in the correct position in the stomach, avoiding potential complications from incorrect placement such as aspiration pneumonia or feeding into the lungs.
The Accufeed device works by using electromagnetic technology to guide the NGT placement through the esophagus and into the stomach. The device is portable, lightweight, and can be used in various clinical settings, such as in intensive care units or emergency departments.
Accufeed is designed to be easy to use, reducing the time it takes to insert the NGT and decreasing the risk of complications. It has been shown to improve accuracy in NGT placement, increasing patient safety and reducing the need for repeat insertions.
Overall, Accufeed is an innovative and helpful tool for healthcare providers to ensure accurate and safe NGT placement.